
Dr. Tavita Pagaialii

3 May – SUNDAY THOUGHTS: “Let nothing move you.”
(1Corinthians 15:58). Paul encouraged the church at Corinth to be steadfast in the Lord, and in spite of many issues they encountered, none of those should move them. It is the same as today, we face many problems in life, but as long as we stay focus on God and His purposes for our existence, nothing in this world can move us too. God gave us the victory through the death and resurrection of His son Jesus Christ (vs. 57). That victory assures us of winning amidst life struggles, anticipating eternal life beyond the present world, and therefore, nothing can move us. So as we go to church (THANK GOD) this Sunday, worship and thank God for through faith in Him, nothing can move you. Happy Sunday. . .Blessings!!!
26 April – SUNDAY THOUGHTS: “Blessings of a lockdown.” (Luke 15:11-20). The parable of the prodigal son draws several blessings. Such were never experienced until his life took a tragic turn where he ended up in an unusual surrounding, feeding pigs, where he was locked down and out from a life of wealth and fame. However, in there he came to his right senses (vs. 17), thought and planned a complete turn, true repentance, and a new commitment, “make me your servant” (vs. 19). Best part is he got up and went back to his father ( vs. 20). May this unexpected lockdown lead us to the same blessings of true repentance, new consecration, and a revived desire to serve our father God more. So as we continue to worship God in homes this Sunday, enjoy the blessings you can have from such an experience as this, lockdown worship. Happy Sunday…Blessings!!!
18 April – SUNDAY THOUGHTS: “. . . for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” (Philippians 4:11). Paul writing from prison to the Philippians declared the secret of rejoicing in the Lord always (vs. 4), is to know what it is to be in need, and what it is to have plenty (vs. 12). How relevant is this truth to the world situation now. The choice is laid out before all of us. Instead of being anxious, worried and stressed out, make your needs known to God by prayer and thanksgiving (vs. 6). Rejoice in his nearness, his presence, as you bless others with your gentleness (vs. 5). That should be our reaction to whatever situation we face in our world today. You can’t control what is happening in your world outside, only what is happening in your heart inside, if you let the peace of God rule your heart (vs. 7). Let’s declare out loud like the Apostle Paul that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (vs. 13). So as we continue to worship God from homes this Sunday, learn to be content whatever the circumstances. Happy Sunday…Blessings!!!
SUNDAY THOUGHTS: Let’s do God’s will. His will is in his holy word, the Bible. That is the safest place to be in this world, the will of God for your life. The good thing is, you can know it because it has been revealed. “Love the Lord your God with ALL your heart and ALL your soul and with ALL your mind. . .Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37, 39). That is God’s will, to love Him with our ALL. It is said that if Jesus is not the Lord of your ALL, then He is not the Lord at ALL. When loving God is settled, you will also love others, because God will help you do that. During these difficult times, don’t be afraid, just concentrate on loving God. That is God’s will for us. “There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear. . .” (1 John 4:18). Let us rise up in loving God more than ever, for He is with us. Keep praying, read His word, share your faith with others, and love people with the love of God. So as we worship God at home this Sunday, let Him bless you in ALL as we love Him with just that, our ALL. Happy Sunday. . .Blessings!!!
SUNDAY THOUGHTS: “I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” (Psalms 91:2). Interesting things are happening today. Shutdown, social distancing,
handwashing, solidarity, care for one another and strengthening the Immune System are good preventive measures most people in the world are now practicing. Moreover, we as Christian people must put our trust in God who is able to save us from the fowler’s snare and the deadly pestilence (vs. 3). The Psalmist says that no harm will befall you, and no disaster will come near your tent, if you make the Most High God your dwelling and refuge (vs. 9, 10). Let the Holy Spirit lead you in all your ways. Spend time with God in prayer and his Word. He will never leave nor forsake you. Be wise, loving, joyful, and faithful, for God is with us. As we stay home again this Sunday, enjoy the presence of the Lord. May His peace be with you all. Happy Sunday…Blessings!!!
SUNDAY THOUGHTS: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. From heaven, the Lord looks down and sees all mankind. From his dwelling place, he watches all who live on earth.” (Psalms 33:12-14). The world is in such a time when their only hope is the Lord. Christians worldwide must rise up in faith lifting up our world to our God in prayer. He is still on the throne watching all mankind, and He is not taken by surprise with what is happening now. Yet the bible calls the nation whose God is the Lord “blessed.” There is our hope, joy, and peace, because He is the God of our nation. We are glad that “Samoa is founded on God.” Therefore He is the Lord of our nation. So as we stay home this Sunday because of the government closedown, let us pray and lift our nation and the world to God for protection, provision and healing. Fear not, for the Lord your God is on the throne. Happy Sunday. . .Blessings!!!
SUNDAY THOUGHTS: “. . . the spirit of sound mind.”
(2 Timothy 1:7). Our world is in great need of God’s intervention as it faces Coronavirus pandemic. We as born again Christians are all in this fight together, and we can claim the power of God to turn things around. Paul’s encouragement to his son Timothy is relevant for us all, that God has not given to us the spirit of fear, but of love, power and sound mind. We are told to do the simple hygiene practice thus people should pay close attention to the simple usual protective measures done at home and elsewhere to guard ourselves. To be mindful of today’s problems, we must connect with God’s Holy Spirit who helps us not to fear, but to have a sound mind. Many times, it’s just a matter of wise thinking that helps us a lot. So as we go to church this Sunday, worship and may we all practice a sound mind. Be prayerful and be wise. Happy Sunday…Blessings!!!
SUNDAY THOUGHTS: “. . . and by His stripes, we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5). Sickness and disease are the results of sin caused by the rebellion of mankind against God. It was never His intention for sickness to enter the world. It came because man decided to obey Satan and disobey God. However, Christ’s death and resurrection destroyed sickness and disease, and because of that, we are healed. Salvation is complete in that it saves your soul and heals your body. Thus divine healing is part of Christ’s atonement for sin. As the world faces sickness and disease, there is healing promised and fulfilled in God’s word, and by accepting God’s salvation, we can be assured of all its benefits, which includes healing of sickness and disease. So as we go to church this Sunday, worship and experience divine healing in Jesus. Happy Sunday. . .Blessings!!!
SUNDAY THOUGHTS: “. . . that Samuel was faithful as a prophet of the Lord.” (1 Samuel 3:20b). Samuel a successful prophet had a tremendous background. He had a praying mother, whom priest Eli thought was drunk when she was actually pouring out her soul to the Lord (1:15), asking God for a child. He had a faithful father Elkanah who led his family yearly to offer sacrifice and to fulfill his vow (1: 21). Your past has a lot to do with who you are today. And what you do now will produce a blessed future. Samuel was brought up in God’s house from his childhood, and he led Israel until they asked for a king. God has his hands on us all, as long as we are faithful to his calling. So as we go to church this Sunday, be faithful as God’s chosen vessels, remembering those who helped brought you up until now. Happy Sunday. . .Blessings!!!
SUNDAY THOUGHTS: “So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” (Matthew 24:44). Two aspects of being ready for the second coming of Jesus are faithfulness and wisdom (vs. 25). Jesus said only His father knows that day or hour when the Son of Man appears in the sky (vs. 36), therefore nobody knows that day but God. Knowing God’s will and purpose in your life, and be faithful and wise in doing it is your best preparation for that great day. Faithfulness and wisdom are of the Spirit. And those led by the Spirit can enjoy living as faithful and wise servants of God. So as we go to church this Sunday, worship as to strengthen your life in the Spirit as faithful and wise servants who are ready for Christ’s coming. Happy Sunday…Blessings!!!
SUNDAY THOUGHTS: “But Jesus said, someone touched me, I know that power has gone out from me.” (Luke 8:46). A question to many people surrounding Jesus, yet only the woman with the issue of blood had the answer. She came fell at his feet and told why she touched Him and how she has been instantly healed. Jesus said to her, “Daughter your faith has healed you, go in peace.” (vs. 48). It is that touch of faith that we need today when there are all sorts of troubles, sickness and diseases in our world. In spite of that, we can touch God in faith in our life and service for Him. Touching God in all we do is essential during these critical times. So as we go to church this Sunday, worship and serve Him wholeheartedly, touching Him and experience His healing and peace. Happy Sunday…Blessings!!!
SUNDAY THOUGHTS: “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God…” (John 14:1). When fears come our way due to circumstances beyond our control, our main duty as children of God is to strengthen our belief in Him. Jesus had to remind his disciples about the importance of believing in Him. He told them about heaven, where there are mansions already prepared. What a hope we have in Jesus amidst all the troubles we face on earth. The assurance of His coming, the beauty of heaven and all the promises we have in Jesus is our strong anchor of our belief and faith. So hold on, keep believing, do everything to make it strong. So as we go to church this Sunday, let your heart rejoice in worship, and keep on believing. God is still on the throne, and He is in total control over all things. Happy Sunday. . .Blessings!!!

SUNDAY THOUGHTS: “Trust in Him at all times, O people, pour out your heart before Him, God is a refuge for us.” (Psalms 62:8). It has been said that it is not what is happening to us, but what is happening in us. No better reaction to what is happening in our world than to keep trusting God, keep pouring out our hearts to Him, knowing that He always protects us. Things like the outbreak of diseases, continued violence and hatred among world nations, and no peace within governments are examples of things why we must guard our hearts by trusting God. Never be discouraged, but fill your heart with God’s praise, knowing He is your refuge. Pray for our world, that God’s sovereign rule prevails. So as we go to church this Sunday, worship, pray, enjoy the fellowship and service among God’s people and pour your heart to God your refuge at all times. Happy Sunday . .Blessings!!!

SUNDAY THOUGHTS: “So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” (Matthew 24:44). Jesus spoke clearly about His second coming while He was on earth. Signs that surrounds it are explained. But the most important thing is being prepared and ready for His coming. To be involved in spreading the gospel to the whole world is one sure way of preparation (vs. 14). Salvation was given to us so we can share it with the world. With over seven billion people on earth and still many have not been saved is a real challenge. God’s heart is for people to know Him, and it is our duty to carry out what is in His heart (John 3:16). While we expect Jesus to come at any moment, let us also be involved in spreading His love to all people, as our way of preparing for that great event, His second coming. So as we go to church this Sunday, spread the gospel so people will get to know Jesus more. Happy Sunday. . .Blessings!!!
SUNDAY THOUGHTS: “But he who stands firm to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 24:13). Jesus spoke of the signs of the end time when He was on earth. Among wars and natural disasters are people turning away from the faith, and will betray and hate each other. False prophets will appear and decieve many people. Because of the Increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold (vs. 10-12). These signs are all around us, and we must take notice and be diligent by standing firm meaning to endure till the end. Your endurance as you keep persevering, keep holding on, keep loving and serving God faithfully in whatever great or small ways He has enabled you that will take you to that great ending called Eternal Life. When this world comes to the end, it’s not how hard we have tried, but how faithful we had endured. So as we go to church this Sunday, worship and know that the saved ones at the end of time are those who stand firm in Christ. Happy Sunday. . .Blessings!!!
SUNDAY THOUGHTS: “The Spirit of sonship. . .we cry Abba Father.” An intimate relationship between God and His children is essential. Abba is an Aramaic term meaning Father refers to a close connection of a child to a Father. A word Jesus used when He cried out to His Father on the cross. This happens if the Holy Spirit lives in us. It is Him who caused us to call God our Abba Father, to whom we are very close. Calling on God in prayer, praise, or a song are ways we exercise this close relationship. Whether we have needs or not, we must always address God as Abba Father. As we begin this year’s journey, call on God your Abba Father. So as we go to church this Sunday, worship God our Abba Father, He who is so close to us for He lives in us by His Holy Spirit. Happy Sunday…Blessings!!!
SUNDAY THOUGHTS: “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15). This year must begin with a good and solid family decision. Joshua has to make one for his family. A decision has to be made, and Joshua made a good one which is serving the Lord. Serving God is the greatest decision of all because there is no better life than that. It is the purpose why we were created. It is not a chore but a relationship with Him as our Father. We must relate to God as His children, not as slaves. but children serving their Father. If we make that decision this year, God will lead us in our journey. As Joshua made the decision for his family, so we must also as leaders do the same for ours. So as we go to church on this first Sunday of this New Year, make a good and solid decision, that you and your family will serve the Lord. Happy Sunday…Blessings!!!